Author: Thorsten Boose

Like son like father: Charles Chan’s guest appearances in Jackie Chan’s films

The actor and director Jackie Chan does not come from an acting family like his Hollywood colleagues Michael Douglas, Michael Keaton or Charlie Sheen. With his breakthrough in the late 1970s, he not only ensured that his friends and stuntman colleagues got film jobs, but he also made up for lost time with his father on his own film sets – sometimes in front of the camera.

By Thorsten Boose 14. March 2019 Off

Early 1979 interview with Jackie Chan released on Japanese record

Even if Jackie Chan gained experience in front of and behind the camera in Hong Kong cinema at a very early age, it still took a few years for his work to pay off. With the success of “Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow” and “Drunken Master” in 1978 and the third in the group “The Fearless Hyena” in 1979, he suddenly became famous throughout Asia and a desirable interviewee.

By Thorsten Boose 6. March 2019 Off

Jackie Chan’s Fantasia: Will the forgotten anime series from China be running in Germany soon?

Every fan knows “Jackie Chan Adventures”, Jackie Chan’s first cartoon television series from the USA. From 2000 to 2005 it ran on US television and drew its circles around the world, including successfully to Germany. Only a few years later, Jackie Chan added his own Chinese anime series that hardly anyone in the West knows to this day.

By Thorsten Boose 2. December 2018 Off

Discovery: Jackie Chan discovered in “The Golden Hairpin” from 1963 thanks to a comparison of film recordings?

While researching my new book “The New German Jackie Chan Film Guide” I came across a film some time ago in which a young Jackie Chan may be seen. In the little-known and even less advertised four-part film “The Golden Hairpin” from 1963/1964, several child actors were recruited – and one of them resembles the now world-famous star from Hong Kong.

By Thorsten Boose 12. November 2018 Off

Mysterious Jackie Chan cameo in the film “Fists And Guts” (1979) by director Lau Kar-Wing?

In the late 1970s, Jackie Chan was a star that everyone recognized on the streets of Hong Kong thanks to his films “Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow” and “Drunken Master”, both from 1978, as well as the freshly released “The Fearless Hyena”. Still contractually bound to Lo Wei, he sometimes helped his friends Sammo Hung and Chen Chi-Hwa as an action director away from the camera. From this very time there is a strange hint of a hidden cameo by Jackie Chan.

By Thorsten Boose 26. September 2018 Off