Author: Thorsten Boose

The Jackie Chan brand, part 2: Developing the Sing Ga Ban stunt team logo

Jackie Chan is not only a star herself, but has also brought many stuntmen to cinematic fame around the world. In 1976 he founded Sing Ga Ban, the Jackie Chan stunt team, which is still in its 8th generation today. The development of Jackie’s own cinematic success, political circumstances in Hong Kong and China as well as the globalization of the film industry contributed to the constant change of the stunt team – both in terms of personnel and appearance.

By Thorsten Boose 28. August 2019 Off

Hong Kong, my love: A travel guide to Jackie Chan’s homeland

Jackie Chan has moved his business operations to mainland China, but he remains loyal to his home city of Hong Kong, the city where he grew up and famous. A special travel guide, “Hong Kong, my love”, was published in 2009 by Silke Oettel, Vice President of the JC Dragon’s Heart Foundation Europe since 2011, and Thorsten Boose, author of the Jackie Chan film guides, in which readers can go to former locations of Chans Filming and being guided around Hong Kong.

By Thorsten Boose 9. May 2019 Off

The Jackie Chan story: Kabel eins documentary for 65th birthday of “Chan the Man” reviewed

Jackie Chan celebrated his 65th birthday on April 7, 2019. In his honor, the German TV broadcaster Kabel eins had a documentary made, which premiered on April 8, 2019. Unfortunately, some errors crept in here, but before you criticize them, you should appreciate the thought and effort behind this full-length documentary, especially in Germany.

By Thorsten Boose 9. April 2019 Off