Category: Easter Eggs

Breaking the generational curse: In the name of the Father, the Son and Jackie Chan

Those who learn nothing from history are condemned to repeat it. As a German, I was confronted with this idea early on in my school education. But the principle is universally applicable to every nation, every people, every individual, and has been an important reminder of the primordial human condition not only since the post-war years: Learn from your mistakes.

By Thorsten Boose 26. June 2024 Off

Hands of Stone: Jackie Chan’s face and hand prints for the professional collector

When you have reached the lowest point in your life, there is nowhere to go but up. This is where a person’s true character is revealed. In 1994, New York artist Joseph Malara made a virtue of necessity and worked his way up from flea markets to the living rooms of the stars in just a few years with a clever business idea. A true American story.

By Thorsten Boose 15. May 2024 Off

Clothes make the Chan: Breaking the Fourth Wall

Do you have prejudices? Even in ancient Rome it was said: Vestis virum reddit. At that time, one should not feign prosperity by dressing appropriately. Over the course of centuries, many clever people have addressed this issue. In 1874, the Swiss lyricist Gottfried Keller elaborated on this rather human trait of paying attention to appearances and associating them with familiar patterns in his novella “Kleider machen Leute” (translated as “Clothes make the people”).

By Thorsten Boose 21. February 2024 Off

Hip Hop & Martial Arts: The chantastic Soundtrack for the Year of the Dragon 2024

If you’re on a music streaming service of your choice these days and are looking for something new and exciting for your playlist, then I’ve got something for you. As a guest author for, today I’m giving you an exciting overview and insight into my very own chantastic project. Read on to find out what my “Young Dragon Beat Tape” is all about and why you, as Jackie Chan fans, should be so interested in it.

By Thorsten Boose 12. January 2024 Off

Jackie Chan’s Fantasia: Will the forgotten anime series from China be running in Germany soon?

Every fan knows “Jackie Chan Adventures”, Jackie Chan’s first cartoon television series from the USA. From 2000 to 2005 it ran on US television and drew its circles around the world, including successfully to Germany. Only a few years later, Jackie Chan added his own Chinese anime series that hardly anyone in the West knows to this day.

By Thorsten Boose 2. December 2018 Off