Category: TV

All New Jackie Chan Adventures: Episode Guide for the Chinese animated series

After the success of “Rush Hour” (1998), the US wanted to make the name Jackie Chan better known among the younger generation. In 2000 the successful animation series “Jackie Chan Adventures” started, which celebrated worldwide success in a total of five seasons. This was followed by a video game and Jackie’s willingness to add a second animation series.

By Thorsten Boose 3. July 2021 Off

The Jackie Chan story: Kabel eins documentary for 65th birthday of “Chan the Man” reviewed

Jackie Chan celebrated his 65th birthday on April 7, 2019. In his honor, the German TV broadcaster Kabel eins had a documentary made, which premiered on April 8, 2019. Unfortunately, some errors crept in here, but before you criticize them, you should appreciate the thought and effort behind this full-length documentary, especially in Germany.

By Thorsten Boose 9. April 2019 Off

Jackie Chan’s Fantasia: Will the forgotten anime series from China be running in Germany soon?

Every fan knows “Jackie Chan Adventures”, Jackie Chan’s first cartoon television series from the USA. From 2000 to 2005 it ran on US television and drew its circles around the world, including successfully to Germany. Only a few years later, Jackie Chan added his own Chinese anime series that hardly anyone in the West knows to this day.

By Thorsten Boose 2. December 2018 Off