Tag: DVD

Jackie Chan’s Fantasia: Will the forgotten anime series from China be running in Germany soon?

Every fan knows “Jackie Chan Adventures”, Jackie Chan’s first cartoon television series from the USA. From 2000 to 2005 it ran on US television and drew its circles around the world, including successfully to Germany. Only a few years later, Jackie Chan added his own Chinese anime series that hardly anyone in the West knows to this day.

By Thorsten Boose 2. December 2018 Off

Sensation: Jackie Chan discovered in old Bill Cosby TV series from the 60s!

It may sound unlikely, but it’s true: A young Jackie Chan is hiding in an episode of the hit 1960s TV series “I Spy” starring Robert Culp and Bill Cosby. The fact that the then 11-year-old Jackie Chan and some of his friends appeared in a US TV series should be considered a great coincidence – or was it good research by the producers?

By Thorsten Boose 19. January 2018 Off

Jackie Chan’s “Railroad Tigers” is back at Koch Media again

What is wrong with Splendid Film, the German Jackie Chan label par excellence? First Koch Media secured the rights to Jackie Chan’s sequel to “The Myth” from 2005 called “Kung Fu Yoga” (2017), then the German distributor shines with the first Blu-ray release of “The Prisoner” (1991) including the much sought-after Taiwanese long version. And now Koch Media is leasing another Chan blockbuster from the Cologne film label Splendid Film: “Railroad Tigers” from 2016.

By Thorsten Boose 16. August 2017 Off