Tag: Kung Fu Yoga

Clothes make the Chan: Breaking the Fourth Wall

Do you have prejudices? Even in ancient Rome it was said: Vestis virum reddit. At that time, one should not feign prosperity by dressing appropriately. Over the course of centuries, many clever people have addressed this issue. In 1874, the Swiss lyricist Gottfried Keller elaborated on this rather human trait of paying attention to appearances and associating them with familiar patterns in his novella “Kleider machen Leute” (translated as “Clothes make the people”).

By Thorsten Boose 21. February 2024 Off

How to get Jackie Chan’s autograph

Jackie Chan’s latest film “Ride On”, which premieres in China on 7 April 2023, has generated a lot of hype among fans and distributors worldwide with its latest trailer. Where recently at the European Film Market in Berlin distributors were rubbing their hands with glee for the film, Jackie’s fans are asking themselves: How do I actually get an autograph from my idol?

By Thorsten Boose 25. February 2023 Off