Tag: Drama

Breaking the generational curse: In the name of the Father, the Son and Jackie Chan

Those who learn nothing from history are condemned to repeat it. As a German, I was confronted with this idea early on in my school education. But the principle is universally applicable to every nation, every people, every individual, and has been an important reminder of the primordial human condition not only since the post-war years: Learn from your mistakes.

By Thorsten Boose 26. June 2024 Off

“You can win an Oscar for playing a stuntman but not for being one” – A comment

Stunt performers have been part of the film business since the beginning of moving pictures. Even though they have always made film stars shine with their anonymous and breakneck actions, they still don’t get the respect they deserve when it comes to the Oscars. Why is that the case? A few thoughts on this.

By Thorsten Boose 19. March 2024 Off

Japan, China filming Keigo Higashino’s Namiya novel each

Keigo Higashino is an award-winning Japanese writer. In 2012 he wrote the fantasy novel “The Miracles from the Namiya General Store” (free translation, unfortunately the book has not yet been published in German). In 2017, the Japanese director Ryuichi Hiroki filmed the story, which premiered on September 23, 2017. The Chinese adaptation with Jackie Chan will be released in cinemas on December 29th, 2017. High risk of confusion!

By Thorsten Boose 2. November 2017 Off