Tag: Ride On

“You can win an Oscar for playing a stuntman but not for being one” – A comment

Stunt performers have been part of the film business since the beginning of moving pictures. Even though they have always made film stars shine with their anonymous and breakneck actions, they still don’t get the respect they deserve when it comes to the Oscars. Why is that the case? A few thoughts on this.

By Thorsten Boose 19. March 2024 Off

How to get Jackie Chan’s autograph

Jackie Chan’s latest film “Ride On”, which premieres in China on 7 April 2023, has generated a lot of hype among fans and distributors worldwide with its latest trailer. Where recently at the European Film Market in Berlin distributors were rubbing their hands with glee for the film, Jackie’s fans are asking themselves: How do I actually get an autograph from my idol?

By Thorsten Boose 25. February 2023 Off