Tag: Family

The Jackie Chan story: Kabel eins documentary for 65th birthday of “Chan the Man” reviewed

Jackie Chan celebrated his 65th birthday on April 7, 2019. In his honor, the German TV broadcaster Kabel eins had a documentary made, which premiered on April 8, 2019. Unfortunately, some errors crept in here, but before you criticize them, you should appreciate the thought and effort behind this full-length documentary, especially in Germany.

By Thorsten Boose 9. April 2019 Off

Like son like father: Charles Chan’s guest appearances in Jackie Chan’s films

The actor and director Jackie Chan does not come from an acting family like his Hollywood colleagues Michael Douglas, Michael Keaton or Charlie Sheen. With his breakthrough in the late 1970s, he not only ensured that his friends and stuntman colleagues got film jobs, but he also made up for lost time with his father on his own film sets – sometimes in front of the camera.

By Thorsten Boose 14. March 2019 Off

Jackie Chan’s daughter claims she is homeless because of homophobic parents

It was only a few months ago that Etta Ng, Jackie Chan’s illegitimate daughter, came out as gay. Since then, she has been living out her relationship with Audi Autumn, a 12-year-old influencer who is active on Instagram under the nickname @stolenmilktea, in public. That is frowned upon in conservative China, but now the 18-year-old wants to take advantage of her father Jackie Chan’s fame.

By Thorsten Boose 11. May 2018 Off

Etta Ng, Jackie Chan’s illegitimate daughter, has her coming out

In the West, Jackie Chan’s image is cultivated as a cheerful, naive, but funny action comedy star. It is also known that he has been married since 1982 and has a son named Jaycee who is also active in the entertainment industry. But as in any good family, the Chans had a crisis when it became known in 1999 that Jackie Chan was going to be a father again.

By Thorsten Boose 13. October 2017 Off