Tag: JC Group

Clothes make the Chan: Breaking the Fourth Wall

Do you have prejudices? Even in ancient Rome it was said: Vestis virum reddit. At that time, one should not feign prosperity by dressing appropriately. Over the course of centuries, many clever people have addressed this issue. In 1874, the Swiss lyricist Gottfried Keller elaborated on this rather human trait of paying attention to appearances and associating them with familiar patterns in his novella “Kleider machen Leute” (translated as “Clothes make the people”).

By Thorsten Boose 21. February 2024 Off

How to get Jackie Chan’s autograph

Jackie Chan’s latest film “Ride On”, which premieres in China on 7 April 2023, has generated a lot of hype among fans and distributors worldwide with its latest trailer. Where recently at the European Film Market in Berlin distributors were rubbing their hands with glee for the film, Jackie’s fans are asking themselves: How do I actually get an autograph from my idol?

By Thorsten Boose 25. February 2023 Off

Filmtech – Jackie Chan’s forgotten film equipment rental company (UPDATED)

When I started work on my text “Jackie Chan, a trademark designed to succeed” for the 88 films release of one of my favourite Jackie Chan films “Armour Of God” in the spring of 2021, I knew that the article would be exorbitantly long and detailed and that I would have to open and close a site that had remained hidden for decades: Jackie’s film equipment rental company.

By Thorsten Boose 18. October 2022 Off

The Jackie Chan brand, part 2: Developing the Sing Ga Ban stunt team logo

Jackie Chan is not only a star herself, but has also brought many stuntmen to cinematic fame around the world. In 1976 he founded Sing Ga Ban, the Jackie Chan stunt team, which is still in its 8th generation today. The development of Jackie’s own cinematic success, political circumstances in Hong Kong and China as well as the globalization of the film industry contributed to the constant change of the stunt team – both in terms of personnel and appearance.

By Thorsten Boose 28. August 2019 Off